creating A brighter future together
our shakopee values
Across our differences, most of us understand that feeling safe, living with dignity, and accessing opportunity are foundational to our thriving Shakopee community.
Discover how I’ll continue to make Shakopee a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
Investing in our kids and teachers is one of the best investments we can make. Not only does this funding enable our dynamic workforce of the future, but it also reduces social spending later in life.
Yet, the Minnesota GOP chronically underfunded our schools for more than a decade.
That's why I voted for a $2.2B increase in public school funding last year—delivering $16M to Shakopee schools.
And I’ll continue to support fully funding our schools. It’s how we’ll close the opportunity gap, recruit and retain great teachers, help our kids realize their full potential, and attract businesses and families to our state—ultimately growing our economy.
When Minnesotans face an injury or illness, they should be able to focus on their recovery—not worry about whether a prescription medication, doctor’s visit, or trip to the emergency room will break the bank.
That’s why I took action to protect you from high prescription drug prices last year. Now, the new Prescription Drug Affordability Board will monitor and prohibit excessive price increases on your generic medications.
I don’t plan to stop there.
MinnesotaCare helps folks like you bring down insurance costs and protect against the devastating financial consequences of a medical emergency. I’ll fight to ensure every Minnesotan can sign up for MinnesotaCare—and keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets.
safe communities
No matter the labels often used to divide us, most of us believe that we should feel safe and respected at home, on the job, in our schools, and throughout our Shakopee community.
That’s why I demonstrated my support for the Shakopee Police Department by ensuring they have the resources they need to do their jobs safely and well.
I’ve also worked with public safety advocates to pass common-sense gun violence prevention legislation, like Minnesota's new Red Flag Law.
I’ll keep fighting for your safety.
Gun violence doesn’t have to be a part of our everyday lives. We all deserve to feel safe.
Women, not politicians, are uniquely qualified to make the difficult decisions that affect their health and families’ well-being. They should have the freedom to make them.
Yet, Republicans in Minnesota—and all across this nation—are trying to take away that freedom.
That’s why I voted to protect your right to abortion last year.
With your support, I’ll continue fighting to protect your access to reproductive care—including birth control and IVF.
The government should not interfere with a woman’s private medical decisions. Rather, she should be free to make these decisions privately and in consultation with medical professionals and other family members, as she chooses.
affordable COST OF LIVING
Shakopeans, just like you, are getting squeezed by higher bills in every corner of their lives. That’s why I’ve been working on solutions to bring down costs.
Alongside my fellow Democrats, I:
Made housing more affordable through a $1B investment in housing supply
Put more money in your pocket with the largest state tax cut in Minnesota history
Protected you from property tax increases by directing more state money to local communities for city services
Shielded you from an average of $3,000 in losses per year by banning junk fees
When I’m re-elected, I’ll keep working with legislators and community partners to bring relief to hard-working Minnesotans like you.
Have questions?
Don’t see the issue you care about most? Reach out to Brad. He’d like to hear your concerns and ideas—and share where he stands.